Yes - This study investigates the impact of commonplace lossy image compression on face recognition algorithms with regard to the racial characteristics of the subject. We adopt a recently proposed racial phenotypebased bias analysis methodology to measure the effect of varying levels of lossy compression across racial phenotype categories. Additionally, we determine the relationship between chroma-subsampling and race-related phenotypes for recognition performance. Prior work investigates the impact of lossy JPEG compression algorithm on contemporary face recognition performance. However, there is a gap in how this impact varies with different race-related intersectional groups and the cause of this impact. Via an extensive experimental setup, we demonstrate that common lossy image compression approaches have a more pronounced negative impact on facial recognition performance for specific racial phenotype categories such as darker skin tones (by up to 34.55%). Furthermore, removing chroma-subsampling during compression improves the false matching rate (up to 15.95%) across all phenotype categories affected by the compression, including darker skin tones, wide noses, big lips, and monolid eye categories. In addition, we outline the characteristics that may be attributable as the underlying cause of such phenomenon for lossy compression algorithms such as JPEG.
Mean Accuracy and standard deviation of all attribute categories and their comparison on different training strategies using compressed (q = 75) RFW test set
We summarise the relationship between all factors (dataset distribution, compression, chroma subsampling) in Figure above. We evaluate attribute-based pairings accuracy for all phenotype categories and compare different training strategies mean accuracy and standard deviations. We change one factor during training in each strategy and provide corresponding performance results. We use a compressed RFW test set in level 75 $(q=75)$ for all training strategies. Firstly, we show racially imbalanced VGGFace2 datasets training performance, which is lowest in accuracy and highest in standard deviation. A balanced BUPT-Balance dataset provides the most significant improvement in accuracy and standard deviation. Furthermore, while compressed training imagery causes a minor decrease in standard deviation, no-chroma subsampling improves bias performance more significantly. Therefore, removing chroma sampling during compression becomes viable for reducing racial performance bias. We conclude from the abovementioned results that while compressed imagery or racially balanced training data during training improves the overall performance for all race-related categories, disparate results remain for specific phenotype characteristics. Furthermore, we highlight that the reduced retention of the chroma (colour) information affects, due to the use of chroma subsampling in lossy JPEG compression, on darker skin tones to a greater degree than on lighter skin tones. Furthermore, it is likely that the lossy image quantisation disproportionately affects finer image details on the facial region, such as those associated with monolid eye characteristics. Both areas are for further future work.
This study examines the relationship between face verification performance for a given race-related phenotypic group under varying levels of lossy compressed sets. Overall, our evaluation finds that using lossy compressed facial image samples at inference time decreases performance more significantly on specific phenotypes, including dark skin tone, wide nose, curly hair, and monolid eye across all other phenotypic features. However, the use of compressed imagery during training does make the resulting models more resilient and limits the performance degradation encountered: lower performance amongst specific racially aligned subgroups remains. Additionally, removing chroma subsampling improves FMR for specific phenotype categories more affected by lossy compression. Future work will explore the impact of lossy image quantisation across various face recognition architectures and propose corresponding results to have fair face recognition algorithms.
If you are making use of this work in any way (including our pre-trained models or datasets), you must please reference the following articles in any report, publication, presentation, software release or any other associated materials:
author = {Yucer, S. and Poyser, M. and Al Moubayed, N. and Breckon, T.P.},
title = {Does lossy image compression affect racial bias within face recognition?},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Biometrics},
publisher = {IEEE},
arxiv = {},